Sunday, October 9, 2011

A thought for your Sunday.

You know how you can be taught something for your whole life, and not fully understand it until much later?
I had one of those moments today.
In countless Sunday school classes, young women lessons, and sacrament talks, I have heard that you love those you serve. I've always believed that, and have even had opportunities too feel that love for those I've served. But it has never hit me as strong as it did today.
Two weeks ago I was called to be the Relief Society chorister in my ward. Now, this isn't a hard calling, or one that takes much time, or even one where I felt that I was really "serving" anyone. However, today, while I was standing in front of my relief society leading the music, I felt an overwhelming love for every girl in that room. I only know about half of their names, and I've only known them for a month, but the love I felt for them was so strong.
This experience taught me a really important lesson.
It doesn't matter how big or small, significant or insignificant what we're doing may seem. If your serving someone, with your whole heart, you will feel that love, and be grateful for the opportunity you had.
Remember, Nothing you do is insignificant to our Heavenly Father.

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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