Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My New Hair!

In my last post I talked about life and changes
and what better way to make a change then with a new haircut?!

I haven't cut my hair since before college and it was getting ridiculously long.

like, really long.

although I will miss being able to curl my hair like this ^^^
I was ready for a change.
I've always wanted to donate my hair, but it's never been long enough.
Well--it was long enough this time around!

Also, three women that I really look up too have recently been diagnosed with cancer.
A side effect of the chemotherapy is the loss of hair.
I found an organization called Pantene Beautiful Lengths, they gather hair and make wigs for women that have lost their hair due to cancer.
So I decided to donate my hair to them.
I get to chop my hair off, and I get to give it to an awesome organization!
Win, Win, right? :)

So earlier today I went to Stylin' hair salon and Haley McIntosh chopped it allll off.
13 inches off to be exact.

And I absolutely love it!!
I wasn't sure how I'd like it-and right before she started cutting I got extremely nervous.
But, it was too late. by the time I processed that fact half of my hair was gone. :P

Here's the finished product!

I think it makes me look older...
What do you think? :)

It's definitely a big change, and it is taking a while to get used too. But I really like it, and I'm sure I'll like it even more when it doesn't take 10 minutes to blow dry my hair. ;)


  1. love, love, love!!!!!!! :)
    Gosh, you babe. :)
    Love you!

  2. i think you're beautiful inside and out. daaaaang girl.
