Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Here we go again...

Life's full of it.
No, not the kind that jingles in our pocket..

At this very moment I am sitting in the living room with all my roommates for our last night together. :( Ashland is leaving in 3 and a half hours to catch her shuttle, Rebecca leaves tomorrow(Thursday) at noon, And Alexsa and I are leaving Saturday morning. It seems like we just got here! and now everything is changing again.
...I used to think that graduating from high school and moving out of the house would be the biggest change in my life, and after that all the changes would be easier.
Boy, was I wrong!
With each passing day comes the realization of how naive I was. Life is changing constantly. 3 months ago I moved out of the house to a different state, moved in with strangers, went to church with all new people, started college, and became in charge of myself. Basically my entire life changed. And in just a few short weeks the process will start all over again. and after that, another thing will change, then another, and another, and another, and another.

Its never ending.
And sometimes I just wish everything could stay the same.

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