Sunday, December 11, 2011

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Harry Potter?

Hello. I regret to inform you that
a no good, very bad thing has happened.
a tragedy of epic proportions!!
a great injustice to all men!
What is it, you may ask?

I have never written a blog post about Harry Potter.
Yes. I was as shocked as you are.
This MUST be fixed.
so. without further adieu..

Let me tell you a little about my self.
I am what some people refer to as a "potterhead" ..although I prefer the term "muggle."
I have read every book at least 8 times, (and most of them way more)
I have seen every movie at least 10 times
I started reading the first book when I was 7 years old.
In 3rd grade we played Harry Potter at recess. -I was Hermione :)
In 5th grade I was Hermione for Halloween.
Ronald Weasley was my first crush.
My ten year old birthday party was Harry Potter themed.
I would talk in a British accent for hours on end when I was younger.
I FULLY expected to receive an acceptance letter to Hogwarts when I turned 11.
Whenever I was told to envision my "happy place" I would imagine the Hogwarts Castle.
I used to have imaginary discussions with the characters.
When a new book would come out my dad, my sister and I would go to the store at midnight to buy 3 copies of the book so that we could all read them at the same time.
One of my most favorite memories with my sister is when we both laughed hysterically together for a good 10 minutes after reading a certain passage in the 3rd book.
I have read the entire series in 7 days. (a book a day)
Every time a new book or movie would come out I would reread the series up to that point and then watch all the movies again just to make sure I remembered "everything"
I went to two of the midnight premieres.
I have been to Harry Potter land in Orlando, Florida.
My favorite game is Harry Potter scene it, and I own a deck of Harry Potter uno cards.
I own a butterbeer mug.
Pumpkin juice is delicious.
"Mudblood" is a dirty word.
I have a key chain that proves I am a member of the D.A.
I have a shirt that proudly displays the symbol of the deathly hallows.
A Harry Potter poster is hanging up in my college dorm.
I have pages of Harry Potter quotes. and i can quote entire scenes and passages from the books.
just hearing the words "I solemnly swear I am up to no good" sends a chill up my back.
I cried when Sirius, Dumbledore, and Fred died. and when I finished reading the 7th book I cried for an hour.

I could probably go on a lot longer...but, you get the idea.
I LOVE Harry Potter. :)
Some might even go so far as to use the word obsessed. (haters...)
While I was scrolling through pinterest(my newest love) I found this thing called "The 30 day Harry Potter challenge" basically you post something on your blog about Harry Potter every day, for 30 days.
Yes!! now this is my kind of writing challenge.
So, sometime in the next few weeks(most likely after finals and Christmas time)
I will be starting the 30 day challenge.
I'm excited. :)

Oh hey...have I ever mentioned that I love Harry Potter??

“The stories we love best do live in us forever. So whether you come back by page, or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.” ~JK Rowling


  1. I agree Rachel!! Also didn't you cry when Tonks and Lupin died, because I swear we had a conversation about how we cried during the 7th book from the very beginning.

  2. Oh I definitely did!! and I bet we did have that conversation, I wouldn't be surprised. ;)
